Betrayal Can Whreck You More Than You Can Ever Expect

If you can betray LOVE once, you can betray LOVE twice.
& it goes on and on and on.
Most of the times when im having some quiet time alone or when i decide that i should be doing some self-reflections, i tend have a thousand and one things dashing through my mind. Such as family, friends, relationships, school and some others. It may be all general thoughts but these general thoughts were somehow converted into day-to-day basis conversation topics i have with people. The thing is, when i think about these i kinda throw questions back to it and in a way or another, i would be posted with another question sub-conciously. When i come to a point whereby im speechless that would be when i try to hit the sacks. So the moment i get up the next day, first thing that i will recall of was "what was i doing right before i went to bed last night?" And so it goes on and on, especially when i couldnt find or debate with myself for an absolute positive solution, this is when it turns into things i talk to people around me about.
Most of the times when im having some quiet time alone or when i decide that i should be doing some self-reflections, i tend have a thousand and one things dashing through my mind. Such as family, friends, relationships, school and some others. It may be all general thoughts but these general thoughts were somehow converted into day-to-day basis conversation topics i have with people. The thing is, when i think about these i kinda throw questions back to it and in a way or another, i would be posted with another question sub-conciously. When i come to a point whereby im speechless that would be when i try to hit the sacks. So the moment i get up the next day, first thing that i will recall of was "what was i doing right before i went to bed last night?" And so it goes on and on, especially when i couldnt find or debate with myself for an absolute positive solution, this is when it turns into things i talk to people around me about.
So lately i have been seeing and hearing alot about BETRAYAL. What exactly is betrayal?
Betrayal is the breaking or violation of a presumptive social contract, trust, or confidence that produces moral and psychological conflict within a relationship.
Well, to put it in simple words it simply means by having done actions that is letting people down, it could be cheating on your partner, lying to your friends or leaking out confidential information to others.
What i would like to emphasise most in this entry would be LOVE BETRAYAL. And i thought to myself:
All these boils down to their moral values and humanity. Many could actually come up with reasons like:
There are many many more excuses that i could mention but i'd rather not. In this situation, the problem lies in their humanity and morality. Betrayal should not even take place right from the start.
So when you feel that there is a problem with the relationship, first is to deal with it, settle all the misunderstandings or issues you have with each other. Give each other some time to think about the relationship, whether it could go far or should you put an end to it. When things are settle or talked over and the decision is to break up, take time to heal and when you are better, you move on.
If money is the reason why you betray, that makes you someone who can be bought over by money, putting your integrity, chasity and moral values below money. This would be an ultimate disgrace to all mankind.
Personally, I am very against love betrayal. I am very sure that no one would want to be betrayed by their partner and there would be tons of people who would agree with me that betraying your partner is a despicable act. It would only show others what kind of person you are inside.
Well, of course, people who does the betraying would have a million excuses and would definately deny that what they are doing does not equate to betrayal. But sad to say, people who dont betray would clearly have the ability to conclude if your actions are considered as an act of betrayal.
If you can betray once, what makes you think you would not have the tendency to betray again in the future? There are many good examples out there for you to relate to. If one feels that he/she did not do anything wrong and that what they are doing/did isnt/wasnt considered as betrayal, i can positively assure that these people would never be able to find true love. Because they have already lost the true meaning of love.
Betrayal is the breaking or violation of a presumptive social contract, trust, or confidence that produces moral and psychological conflict within a relationship.
Well, to put it in simple words it simply means by having done actions that is letting people down, it could be cheating on your partner, lying to your friends or leaking out confidential information to others.
What i would like to emphasise most in this entry would be LOVE BETRAYAL. And i thought to myself:
- Why people would actually resort to love betrayal?
- Why would people want to betray the people they love or rather claim they love?
- How can they bear to do things that would hurt their partner?
- Would people ever betray love for money?
All these boils down to their moral values and humanity. Many could actually come up with reasons like:
- "I betrayed my partner because he/she wasnt giving me the attention that i want."
- "Oh, i dont get the sense of security from him/her and this other guy/girl has it."
- "I dont dare to break up with him/her, im afraid he/she might not be able to take it."
- "He got no money and this other guy has, he can provide for me. But on the other hand i still need my plan B, so i should just date 2 guys at one go."
- "I cant bear to let go this relationship, afterall we've been together for so long. Yet i have already start to fall in love with this other guy/girl."
There are many many more excuses that i could mention but i'd rather not. In this situation, the problem lies in their humanity and morality. Betrayal should not even take place right from the start.
So when you feel that there is a problem with the relationship, first is to deal with it, settle all the misunderstandings or issues you have with each other. Give each other some time to think about the relationship, whether it could go far or should you put an end to it. When things are settle or talked over and the decision is to break up, take time to heal and when you are better, you move on.
If money is the reason why you betray, that makes you someone who can be bought over by money, putting your integrity, chasity and moral values below money. This would be an ultimate disgrace to all mankind.
Personally, I am very against love betrayal. I am very sure that no one would want to be betrayed by their partner and there would be tons of people who would agree with me that betraying your partner is a despicable act. It would only show others what kind of person you are inside.
Well, of course, people who does the betraying would have a million excuses and would definately deny that what they are doing does not equate to betrayal. But sad to say, people who dont betray would clearly have the ability to conclude if your actions are considered as an act of betrayal.
If you can betray once, what makes you think you would not have the tendency to betray again in the future? There are many good examples out there for you to relate to. If one feels that he/she did not do anything wrong and that what they are doing/did isnt/wasnt considered as betrayal, i can positively assure that these people would never be able to find true love. Because they have already lost the true meaning of love.
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