Or wondering how to increase your hair growth???

I have come across people who are suffering from hair loss, slow hair growth, balding head and receding hairline problems. Often a time, these are the problems they'll always worry about.

Here are a couple of ways that could help!
6 Natural Ways to Increase Hair Growth
1. Do scalp shifting
- Using pads on your fingers, firmly place them all over your scalp and move your skin in a circular motion. Do this for the next 5 to 8 minutes.
2. Put red bell pepper on your head
- The spiciness of this fresg herb will speed hair growth byover 50%. Put a few slices in boiling water for about 10 minutes, then let it cool for the next 15 minutes. Next apply it on your scalp for about 30minutes, lastly, rinse it off.
3. Eat more protein
- Hair is made out of protein, therefore, by taking more protein you are promoting rapid hair growth. Food such as fish, chicken, cottage cheese, whey, peanut butter and steak are high in protein.
4. Take a Biotin supplement
- Biotin works great for your hair, skin and nails. Currently, there isn't any toxicity levels known for Biotin so it is BEST to take the high potency supplement of 5000mcg per day.
5. Take Magnesium supplement
- Just like Biotin, Magnesium is hair food. It helps with nerve stimulation and also relaxes your muscles.
6. Drink 6 - 8 glasses of water daily
- Sometimes the body will hold substances that harms your hair's natural growth and balance. So it is best to clear the toxic and clean out your system everynight. Simply drink 1 - 2 glasses of water before bed. Too much will cause puffy eyes and water retention.
Food that Stimulate Hair Growth
1. Eggs
- High in Biotin, vitamins that your high need to stay healthy. It is also very high in Protein. Try adding eggs into daily eating plans. Not too much egg yolk though.
2. Lean meat
- Chicken and tuna are both high in Protein which is very important for your hair. Eat at least 50 calories of tuna on a daily basis.
3. Vegetables
- High in vitamins that contains Zinc, Magnesium and Calcium.
4. Whole grain
- Rich in Zinc, vitamin B and Iron. ( For people who has a hetic scedule)
5. Carrots
- Rich in vitamin A.
How To Reverse Balding & Stimulate New Hair Growth
1. Mix hot olive oil, honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder into a paste. Apply it over head before bath and leave it on for 15 minutes. This helps to stimulate scalp to grow new hair.
2. Apply a mixture of aloe vera with herbal powder triphala to the hair for a period of time. (3 - 6 months) This enhances the speed of growing new hair.
3. Scrub the bald/balding portion with onions till it beomes red. Then apply honey. This gets blood flowing more freely to your scalp, nourishing and strenghtening your hair follicles.
Good Luck in making your hair grow! I hope this research is helpful!
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