and its 2 weeks later
oh wells, bloggie seems dead after the previous longer entry, BAHHHHHHHHHH. hahaha anyhows, on monday i got back 2 of my common test papers which made me pretty suprise (: and thats because i passed them!! hahah 62% for ELS and 75% for BTC, and i must admit that i revised very last minute-ly. noticed i dont really talk about PLW? thats because i know i'd fail for that paper HAHA, not that i didnt do my revision for that, but because i forgot all my cases once i recieved that paper to start on. in short, im going for the 4 hours PLW revision class which im HAPPY about it, because i can study!!!
on tuesday, was baohui's 18th birthday, and we went to ramen 10 to have the birthday lunch then after, we strolled from far east all the way to cineleisure and chilled at the starbucks next to swensens for quite a while chatted with the girls ALOT, then walked over to plaza singapura and i bidded goodbye and headed to meet mummy. and i realised that mummy really put in alot of effort to pray for a change in me. sighh it just made me love her tons more and realise that if i dont start cherishing i'll lose them sooner than i can expect. sighhhh.
thursday, went to ********* and was told that results not out yet, and have to wait till 2 weeks later, its just so worrying and my heart just cant feel eased. i dont want to think about it but it just keeps flashing in my mind. im worried and im sad and im always thinking about it. and im not just only thinking about myself, im also thinking about **** i really am. im not forsaking but i just got no choice. and my heart ACHES so badly. sighhh i really dont know what to say anymore. because only i know how i really feel within.

i dont have a choice.
as people always says time can heal every wound. and i reall hope it can i dont usually buy this staement but this time, i would want to try to. geez time really flies, im meeting maipig and jacky for foot reflexology and steamboat laters!! cant wait.. ciao everyone!!
Hopelessly waiting
saturday was dimsum session at laguna national
golf and country club located near xilin road. well the club was pretty amazing as we were looking over the golf area and the other restaurants, the pond, the spa room and some others, and it was good. anyway was with pearllyn, anqi, winson and jingkai. and we played abit joked alot and became all so crazy, i miss them ):





after dimsum i went to pick maipig and her friend, grace up from TP and went over to mai's place wanted to give grams and gramppy a surprise BUT they weren't home ): soon, jack came over, after awhile maipig and jack claimed that they were HUNGRY and was craving for KATONG LAKSA and look how hungry they were?

this was how hungry they were!
then we headed to watch "do not mess with THE ZOHAN" it was HILARIOUS!!!!!! hahaha haha soon after we decided to have arabic food at aliwal street it was not bad just that the service was really slow and all. and then we cabbed down to katong road and chilled at DE BALI CAFE let me tell you this place is AWESOME.. haha let the pictures show u how amazing then (:


eat and go 1st storey

dining table

indoor fine dine 2nd storey

outdoor seatings

stairway to 2nd storey

smoking area

beautiful isn't it??
maipig left earlier leaving jack and i drinking together, we had cocktails and beer chatted alot and left at about 2 am and walked all the way to still road, decided to sit at the bus stop and talk more, and i didnt know why i ended up crying badly and i shant talk about why.
on sunday, i met jack in town to ate a little at DIN TAI FUNG ... FOOD!! yummylicious food and my all-time fav xiao long bao~~~ and the fried rice and the prawn dumplings too. woohoo you guys should try it mann. want to get tempted?? YES YOU SHOULD!!!

yes boy, i know you're hungry((:

while waiting for FOOOOODDDD


prawn - meat dumplings

did a little walking after food in wisma, paragon and takashimaya, went to chanel and checked the bags out wanted to pick something for jacky's sister as a maternity gift, saw a $5000+ it was the perfect pick, classic and with a touch of elegance totally sexy!!! i love it.. after a bit we headed to the carpark to get ready to zoom to maipig house, grams prepared dinner!!! i miss them, because i treat them like my own grandparents. then again pictures to lead you proper (:

in the car

just so random

GRAMS!! and GRAMPPY!! i loveeeeeeeee this
after dinner, we went to MISS CLARITY CAFE TO CHILL, i had this chocolate cake with wafer and a vanilla ice-cream to go along with and a glass of mixed berries frizz, maipig as usual ordered her calamari and steamer (hot vanilla milk) and as for jack? he had a strawberry soda with a cherry in it. (((: what attracted us to miss clarity cafe was the decor and the concept. very kiddish!! you shall see alright?

introducing ---- MISS CLARITY CAFE!

dining area

side signboard

the area that we're seating

cute little displays
ok im lazy to elaborate further already. its ONE LONG POST
Im waiting, still waiting
well it was out class gathering yesterday and though it was pretty disorganised but things turned out well soon after. i loved the way atikah qiuxuan and jianming said "PUCK KEW" it was super hilarious that serious and i had to walk away. haha oh wells, anyhow we reached the pit afer collecting the food and bummed around here and there while waiting for the rest to join us.i saw jiajun when he was a few steps away from the pit and noticed he had his hair cut, then the next thing i know was that i was SUPER STUNNED with what he did. he threw the bottles of drinks hard onto the ground, yes LITERALLY. it was definately shocking but wasnt scary, like come on thats not how scary is to me, wait til u've gone through what i had then you'll know what REAL scary is. anyway he got even more frustrated when manling when to talk to him and he just huffed away back home. serioulsy i felt that was unnecessary, truly unnecessary, well this totally defeated the purpose of a class gathering. knowing that you're came all the was from causeway point to east coast and from MACs all the way to pit 54, the more you shouldnt have gone back. this only shows how immature you were, only kids behaves this way, you are no longer in primary school nor secondary school, and if you have any unhappiness you should VOICE out straight to people's faces not just get all so emotional and keep it to yourself, isnt it just so unfair to others who didnt do anything wrong to you? you should learn to be responsible of your own emotions and TAKE CONTROL. the reason why i didnt say this straight at your face is because i dont want to further agitate you and i didnt want to seem like a bully. when i was 17 i was not even a bit like how you are now. wake up boy, we'll have 3 years together, why spoil it?
anyway some pictures to keep you awake. (: ya'll !!

retarded qiuxuan trying to catch a picture

haha whats manling trying to do?

4 crazy girls
then after i headed to meet maipig and jacky and we went to bernie's to drink!! erdinger as usual!! ALOT OF ERDINGER. sweet and lingering apetizing flavour on your taste buds! haha then i headed back to the pit becuase i bought some ice and drinks thinking that they might not have enough. and as i was headin back to the pit i saw this guy in red sitting in the middle of the pavement and looking wobbling left to right and guess who is was... KARWAH .. tadaaa!! how amazing!? he was DRUNK, dead drunk that he was spouting nonsense, he even slapped maipig's hands and asking who the fuck was she and calling her HOT when she's not!! hahah how retarded...

my all-time fav!! ERDINGER

my most beloved honey-buns
AND today!! woke up and was on the phone with micheal almost the whole morning and then maipig came over around 5 plus and she immediately POUNCED ONTO MY BED and started to WHINE saying that she's tired and wants to sleep and bla bla bla, obviously i said NO. and she started WHINING AGAIN AND AGAIN.i know that before i couldnt take it anymore and had to kick her out of my house, i had go out asap! we headed to jacky's home camwhored abit and left for KOREAN CHARCOAL BBQ located along EAST COAST PARK and we were so unfamiliar to this and literally watched the lady doing everything for us, how NOOB were we??? hahaha seriously the food was AWESOME! god damn good. hahaha

super random!!

she's MY BITCH

and i LOVE her

dont you dare touch them, i'll skin you




im seriously indulging!

i love him, because he's my BEST BUDDY! WOOHOO
goodnight all i hope i've been entertaining!
im only waiting
oh wells, im happy that all 6 of us managed to meet up last evening. we spinned afew rounds and squabbled here and there before we could even decide on what to eat. oh mann... and iasked them to put their heads together, anqi literally wanted to put their heads together just imagine how silly is she. she was insisting on joining her head with others'. soon later, we finally made a decision to go to kobayashi, and in order not the order the same food i had to say that what anqi wanted to order was SPICY and she believed it. HAHA. so dinner was filling, at least to me. but for sam, she was being an onion girl the whole time. i really didnt know how to make her stop eating those hotplate onions, which she have already conquered one. how silly.
along the way, we were taking pictures, cranky ones, but what to do? with anqi around we're always cranky. and it comes naturally, not forced. i walked out of the mall with sam and shared the problem with her, after sharing the atmosphere was still, and i could sense the emotions were at a state of confusion. all i can say is that im really disquieted and penitential of what i've done. im sorry friends and family. and i really hope i could variate into a brand new person, because i've lettered from my folly.

anqi and myself

anqi ad pearllyn


anqi's new-found friend

another of her new-found friend

short couple WAHAHA

EH-HEE!! lovee

our shaved-snow ice

TA-DAA the 6 of us!!

waha~ no comments

SAM and I
anyway, after meeting up with them i met afiq for movie. we enjoyed the incredible hulk. i just dont get it, why am i watching incredible hulk when there's a HULKnext to me? WAHAHAH i miss afiq so much. he one big bubbly BEAR. and he said i grew fatter. how mean and im feeling guilty. nahh actually i forced him to. hahhahaha
anyway, heading to meet qiuxuan serious atikah and karwah to collect the BBQ stuffs now, i hope i'll have fun!! and same to you all!!! oh ya meeting maipig and jacky laters too.!! HOW AWESOME!!!!