oh wells, im happy that all 6 of us managed to meet up last evening. we spinned afew rounds and squabbled here and there before we could even decide on what to eat. oh mann... and iasked them to put their heads together, anqi literally wanted to put their heads together just imagine how silly is she. she was insisting on joining her head with others'. soon later, we finally made a decision to go to kobayashi, and in order not the order the same food i had to say that what anqi wanted to order was SPICY and she believed it. HAHA. so dinner was filling, at least to me. but for sam, she was being an onion girl the whole time. i really didnt know how to make her stop eating those hotplate onions, which she have already conquered one. how silly.
along the way, we were taking pictures, cranky ones, but what to do? with anqi around we're always cranky. and it comes naturally, not forced. i walked out of the mall with sam and shared the problem with her, after sharing the atmosphere was still, and i could sense the emotions were at a state of confusion. all i can say is that im really disquieted and penitential of what i've done. im sorry friends and family. and i really hope i could variate into a brand new person, because i've lettered from my folly.
anqi and myself
anqi ad pearllyn
anqi's new-found friend
another of her new-found friend
short couple WAHAHA
EH-HEE!! lovee
our shaved-snow ice
TA-DAA the 6 of us!!
waha~ no comments

SAM and I
anyway, after meeting up with them i met afiq for movie. we enjoyed the incredible hulk. i just dont get it, why am i watching incredible hulk when there's a HULKnext to me? WAHAHAH i miss afiq so much. he one big bubbly BEAR. and he said i grew fatter. how mean and im feeling guilty. nahh actually i forced him to. hahhahaha
anyway, heading to meet qiuxuan serious atikah and karwah to collect the BBQ stuffs now, i hope i'll have fun!! and same to you all!!! oh ya meeting maipig and jacky laters too.!! HOW AWESOME!!!!

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