oh wells, bloggie seems dead after the previous longer entry, BAHHHHHHHHHH. hahaha anyhows, on monday i got back 2 of my common test papers which made me pretty suprise (: and thats because i passed them!! hahah 62% for ELS and 75% for BTC, and i must admit that i revised very last minute-ly. noticed i dont really talk about PLW? thats because i know i'd fail for that paper HAHA, not that i didnt do my revision for that, but because i forgot all my cases once i recieved that paper to start on. in short, im going for the 4 hours PLW revision class which im HAPPY about it, because i can study!!!
on tuesday, was baohui's 18th birthday, and we went to ramen 10 to have the birthday lunch then after, we strolled from far east all the way to cineleisure and chilled at the starbucks next to swensens for quite a while chatted with the girls ALOT, then walked over to plaza singapura and i bidded goodbye and headed to meet mummy. and i realised that mummy really put in alot of effort to pray for a change in me. sighh it just made me love her tons more and realise that if i dont start cherishing i'll lose them sooner than i can expect. sighhhh.
thursday, went to ********* and was told that results not out yet, and have to wait till 2 weeks later, its just so worrying and my heart just cant feel eased. i dont want to think about it but it just keeps flashing in my mind. im worried and im sad and im always thinking about it. and im not just only thinking about myself, im also thinking about **** i really am. im not forsaking but i just got no choice. and my heart ACHES so badly. sighhh i really dont know what to say anymore. because only i know how i really feel within.

i dont have a choice.
as people always says time can heal every wound. and i reall hope it can i dont usually buy this staement but this time, i would want to try to. geez time really flies, im meeting maipig and jacky for foot reflexology and steamboat laters!! cant wait.. ciao everyone!!
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