Saturday, July 5, 2008


& it has been electrifying

oh hello once again, im back after afew days of MIA-ing. few days have past and im still in the same old situation waiting for the same old damn thing to end. its pretty funny at times, why things always turns out to be how u've never expected it to? and it just keeps you wondering why. yea pretty weird but thats just part and parcel of life isnt it?

friendship to me seems to have taken on a different perspective and still to no avail of perfect and most accurate answers, it leaves me blank and at lost. why is it that the GOOD TIMES only last for that lil short period and that after awhile, it ALL leads back to square one again. and thats just so dispiriting, you'll just find yourself lingering in and out of different situations. just how to make myself feel better and to solve it would be so destressing, and yet again who would know? and who would understand? dont bother telling me " i do understand, and i've been thru shit like you are now? well the fact is you dont, u've never been thru this SHIT.

another thing is, "you" i really dont know when you would actually start to heed my advices and change your mindset, it hurts me to see you behaving this way it also pains me to know whats your intentions are. we all know that this will never bring you far but once again, you're just living in your own world and self-denying. it really breaks my heart to know that, and i cant take it no more, YET again and again u'll be doing this and saying all this fucking crap. WHEN WOULD YOU ACTUALLY START UNDERSTANDING ALL THE FUCK I SAY??? WHEN WHEN WHEN? what do you even regard me as??? if i even mean a thing to you, why not listen?? WHY NOT? im harmless with my opinions and advices!!!!!!!! stop behaving like a fuck shit, if i dont care for you i wouldn't even be gaving a FLYING FUCK about you. DUMBASS!! wake up your FUCKING idea would you??? IT IS absoFUCKINGlutely DESTRESSING. you know?? you dont FUCKING know a single bit.

well anyway i went to sam's place for dinner, i waited for her lessons to end and took a bus together and her mum cooked asam pedas! delicious~~~ BUT her mum made me SO MALU, kept being such a good host and all, AND when i wanted to help with the dishes and brought the plates back to the kitchen she called me GATAL!! hahahaha then still make tea with pandan leaves and it was aromatic! NICE! kept me going for a few cups and with keropok and it is STILL DELICIOUS. so aunty if you are actually reading this post, or sam if u're reading this convey this: " AUNTY YOUR COOKING IS SUPERB! and i LOVE IT. (((: <333"

i kept wondering why our faces were red haha!


still FAT FAT FAT haha


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